Are You A Legacy Builder?
Perhaps we don’t realize we are building a legacy while we are building it. It doesn’t start out as an intentional act or a goal or destination. Legacies evolve. There’s an impressive feeling that strikes an observer of someone else’s life when the full measure of...
Career Questions and Holiday Parties
“How’s the job going?” – How do YOU respond? Among family and friends at gatherings and holiday parties, nearly everyone who works is asked about the status and trajectory of their job. Mom and dad ask. Siblings and friends ask. We’ve all experienced the dramatic...
Two Big Decisions All College Grads Need To Make
Now that you have finalized your education decision, you have two more decisions ahead of you. Where you choose to live and the career path you take will make a huge difference in your income over your lifetime. When weighing your options, here are some things to consider.
When a Leader Decides to Overachieve
This is more than a tribute; it’s a personal challenge. When a man or woman announces their pending retirement, a sudden measurement occurs — and this one is big — a giant legacy. David Boren, President of the University of Oklahoma, announced this week he intends to...
Deciding to Start a Side Business

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