The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker

You can listen to any episode shown below via browser or via these podcast sources/apps:

Buying a Home: Deciding IF and WHEN

Buying a Home: Deciding IF and WHEN

The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
Buying a Home: Deciding IF and WHEN
A Decision Makeover process for BUYING A HOME. We discuss the IF and WHEN considerations with real data. Brief, blunt, and tailored to your goals.
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Deciding to Start a Side Business

Deciding to Start a Side Business

The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
Deciding to Start a Side Business
What are the early considerations before getting started and spending time and money on a side business? How do we make a good decision to begin? Mike takes a caller’s question and digs in.
Deciding Our First Impression for Success or Failure

Deciding Our First Impression for Success or Failure

The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
Deciding Our First Impression for Success or Failure
How do we do a Decision Makeover about our weight when our appearance is hindering our goal achievement? Mike takes a caller’s question about this common issue and delivers 6 quick tips to start today.
Deciding WHEN to Get Married

Deciding WHEN to Get Married

The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
The Decision Makeover With Mike Whitaker
Deciding WHEN to Get Married
Mike discusses a caller”s question about achieving good odds of marital success by getting married within the best age range.

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